Managing your online identity

For a long time I thought a lot about my online identity.  By this I don’t mean “What do people think of me online” or “Could I become a victim of identity theft”, but more “How visible am I on the internet”.  I thought a lot about it mostly because I didn’t want people to be able to google my name and find out a whole lot about me.  I wanted to be invisible and anonymous on the internet.  I have heard so many stories about bosses googling their employees, potential employers googling their candidates, girlfriends googling their boyfriends, etc.   Search engines make it possible for employers to scour all manner of digital dirt to vet employees. Online profile company CEO Tim DeMello fired an intern after he discovered that on the intern’s Facebook profile he divulged that while at Ziggs he would “spend most of my days […]

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Do I really use the internets?

As a long time internet user, I have been wondering a lot lately; Do I really use the internet? I have been an internet, so-called, user since the days of AOL 1.0, CompuServ, and Prodigy. I probably haven’t gone more then a few days here and there without internet access since I was 12 years old. Now, I know I use the internet in the traditional sense: Searching for information, instant messaging, pay bills, play online games, and of course, creating web pages of my own. However, in the past few years so many trends have been developing that I just can’t seem to become a part of. It would seem that by having a network of friends and family who do not really make use of the internet, I am relinquished to not being able to truly use it myself. For example, I have probably 10 email addresses, but […]

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