The Sentence

As I am sure none of you know, I had a minor in college. While I graduated with a Major in Computer Engineering, my official minor was philosophy. A pretty odd combination, I know. I have always been a thinker, and I very much enjoy reading the thoughts of others. As such, I read a lot. When I say I read a lot, though, I am sort of cheating. I should say, I read a lot of stuff, online. Recently though, I have been trying to make a conscious effort to read more books. A recent blog article I read, which was actually about XML, made mention of a book. It didn’t say anything really about the book, and it didn’t really suggest that I should read the book, but I decided to pick it up anyhow.  Seemed like as good a place to start as any. The book is […]

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Go play a real guitar…

I have thought about this subject a lot.  When playing a game like Guitar Hero or Rockband, people always say “Why don’t you just play a real instrument?”  This question I feel is easy to answer, as I am going to try to do here.  First and foremost, I would like clarify the subject of gaming as a whole, for me, the simplest way to do that is to compare it to other things which EVERYONE does: Gaming is:  A waste of time. Watching TV is:  A waste of time. Watching Movies is:  A waste of time. Sitting around drinking beer is:  A waste of time. Reading Magazines is:  A waste of time. Now that we have that out of way, when people look at me as an adult gamer, they find it hard to understand why I play games.  It is such a waste of time after all, right.  However, if I […]

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Anyone wanna watch some Metal Gear?

So I finally got to use my Playstation 3 for something other then an overpowered Blu-Ray player, Metal Gear Solid 4.  I am still not really sure if I am writing a review of the game or not with this post, but I tend to think its not so much of a review, more of just some of my impressions of it. So I started the game out on “Big Boss Hard” mode and it took me about 4 hours to get about an hour into the game.  Even though I generally play every game I get on the hardest skill level, it got so frustrating that I finally just kicked it down to the normal difficulty level.  It became a lot more fun after that, since the game is about sneaking around everywhere and the only way we were able to succeed on hard was to shoot everything, really […]

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Am I Too Trusting?

I never lock doors.  Not my car, not my house.  Now that you know this, I should probably start. I grew up in what I always considered to be a pretty rural area, not farmland rural but, can’t walk to your friends house, rural.  As such, I never really felt the need to lock my doors.  After all, for someone to rob the house they would have to drive up a mile long driveway with a truck, load it with shit, and drive off.  It’s not like they could just stroll down the street carrying my tv. Since those days, I have moved quite a few times but the habit never left me.  I have gone from rural Pennsylvania to a real life ghetto in West Philadelphia and back.  Still never lock doors.  What is even more impressive is that the majority of things I have had stolen from me […]

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Naps are Super Good.

I have long been criticized by whomever I am with at the time (girlfriend, roommate, parents, whoever) for my love of the good old fashioned afternoon nap.  I have been one to take naps after work, or school, for as long as I can remember.  A lot of people think I am just extremely lazy, or that I should work out more, or some other such thing in order to combat my desire to nap.  The problem is, I don’t always nap because I am tired, I nap because I truly enjoy a nice afternoon snooze. Over the years, my schedule has varied quite a lot, there have been many variables at play all the time, yet my desire to nap never waivers.  Perhaps I should be the subject of sleep study, I don’t know.  My day to day schedule in the past 5 years has gone from 21 credit college […]

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